Saturday, March 29, 2008

'Ishq: the Path of Ishq

I dedicate this site to the followers of the path of 'ishq / or ashk [in Turkish] who partake of the illuminated sparks and flashes that have come through the souls of Sufis such as Ahmad al-Ghazali and Fakhruddin 'Iraqi.

We place the rose between us and drink in the gaze in the beauty.

Ahmad Ghazali transmitted this hadith qudsi (sacred hadith of the words of God):

"The wisdom of my creating you
is to see My vision on the mirror of your spirit,
and My love in your heart."
(quoted in Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions of Islam [1985: 295])

The link below takes you to the Brittannica where today I enjoyed their brief article on Malamatiyya -- Sufis who "ignoble" themselves so as to have no basis of claiming or bragging of saintly status.